Design and development of online educational programs (e-Learning)
Support for companies, educational institutions, organisations and centers in designing and implementing all types of e-learning projects.
Innovation - Advanced Technology - Quality
We are a company that believes in delivering high-quality services and building trusting relationships with our clients.
Our large team of specialized professionals designs and offers comprehensive solutions for your online educational programs.
e-Learning Strategy
We design
and implement web-based
educational programs.
Strategy for blended and fully online learning. Synchronous and asynchronous approaches, with integrated e-Learning activity tools for social learning, microlearning, and more.

eLearning Content
We create high quality digital content customized to your educational needs, as recognized and targeted in the design phase, so that you can successfully tackle your educational goals, no matter how difficult and unattainable they might seem to be.

We offer consultation, support and integration of LMS and HRIS systems. Integrating an HRIS or LMS centralizes HR and training operations, streamlines processes, and empowers organizations to effectively manage and track employee training progress.
We create outstanding Digital Educational content.
eLearning content is the core of all online courses, so it is crucially important for the content itself to be effective. Educational goals are achieved only through the creation of engaging digital learning materials.

Photorealistic or animated videos, screencasts, or interactive, AI generated, talking head, and micro-learning videos. Videos continue to be the dominant force in online learning.

Simulations & Branching Scenarios
Simulations of real-life scenarios that learners face daily. We create these simulations by combining audio, visuals, character and concept drafting.

Assessment and self-assessment tests
Various user-friendly tests and exercises (multiple choice, gap-fill, matching & sorting activities) accompanied by rich visuals and voiceover narration.

Interactive presentations & games
Including multimedia, voiceover narration, timelines, graphs, games, avatar selection, world building, concepts, FAQs etc
We provide full support and effective bespoke eLearning solutions to:
Companies & Institutions
By creating appealing content in order to address the unique educational and personal development needs of their staff and management.
Training Centers
By creating or leasing successful and engaging content tailored to the specific needs of your corporate clients, students or the general public.
With deep expertise in educational technology and the development of digital tools, INELSO can implement all types of eLearning projects using cutting-edge educational methods and tools.
Specialized Educational Technology and Digital Content Solutions
· Creation of all types of digital educational material
· Installation, customization, and support of Learning Management Systems (LMS)
· Creation and management of websites for posting informational content
· Performance tools
· Data visualization
· Use of artificial intelligence in eLearning projects
· Consultation services
· Off-the-shelf course Libraries creation
· Editing of eBooks
· Gamification solutions
· Games
· Microlearning solutions
· Localization
· HR solutions and support
· Script writing
· Software simulations
Areas of Expertise
· Climate change and environment
· Development of digital skills
· Soft skills
· Cybersecurity
· Health and nutrition
· Specialized training for educators to tackle daily challenges in schools
· Training for parents and students on managing everyday issues
· Mental health and stress management
· Workplace management
· Personal development
· Customer management
· Workplace safety and emergency situations
· Digital programs for hotels
· Employee training programs in the health sector for medical and nursing · staff
· Technical and vocational education
· Robotics
· Support for parents and students in schools
Extensive Network of Collaborations
We collaborate with a wide range of sectors, such as:
· Universities and colleges
· Training centers
· Schools
· Ministries and public institutions (Information Society, HAHE, NCSR)
· Hospitals and healthcare providers
· Industries
· Hotels
· Banks
· Insurance companies
· Supermarkets
· Retailers
· IT companies
· Transport and communications companies
· Energy companies
· Construction companies
· Pharmaceutical companies
· Food companies
· Activities and sports
· Support for certification bodies
· Mines and metal industry
eLearning and Collaborative Activities can effectively improve your efforts to engage learners.

Social Learning
Social and collaborative education in an informal manner through communities, blogs, forums and other tools. Learners learn from one another.

Quizzes are generally used to test learners’ knowledge. They also aim at collecting opinions or ideas. Besides, using quizzes is a great way to engage your audience’s attention.

Online Discussions
If you need to build an effective online learning community, an online discussion is a great way to go about it. Online discussions allow learners to learn from each other.

Thought-Provoking Stories
Οι ιστορίες από πραγματικές καταστάσεις και προβλήματα μπορούν να αποτελέσουν τη βάση του περιεχομένου της ηλεκτρονικής μάθησης, εμπλέκοντας τους εκπαιδευόμενους με χαρακτήρες και θέματα που τους αφορούν.

Interactive Demos
Hands-on demos, such as interactive software simulations, go a long way in providing learners with opportunities to practice skills at their own pace.

Use of gaming techniques in an educational framework designed to keep learners keenly focused and interested, as well as motivated and challenged.

Microlearning Activities
Short-term, targeted educational activities, designed to have a direct benefit for learners.

A scenario is an interactive e-Learning method that requires online learners to choose an approach as a response to the scenario.

Online activities specially designed to require learners to collaborate in order to complete them.